26 Oct Team NFM: Monika Mazik drives NFM’s sustainability and climate commitment
Team NFM
With almost 700 employees divided in several markets across Europe, NFM has highly qualified and committed staff in all areas of the business. In this Team NFM series, we want to share with you our people and the important work they do.
Sustainability is an important aspect of NFM’s business model as we care about the environment and the welfare of our valuable staff. As the Sustainability Manager at NFM Production, Monika Mazik is focused on minimising our carbon footprint on this planet.
In 2016, Monika begun her career in NFM Production in Lębork Poland, as a Quality Assurance Specialist. At the time there was only one specialist and a few quality controllers in the department. Monika grew and developed the department to a four levelled structure with a textile laboratory, quality control in place in NFM’s facilities and established strong relationships between departments.
As NFM was growing the need to incorporate a Sustainability Manager also emerged. Holding a master’s degree in environmental protection combined with a true passion for the climate and green production, Monika was the obvious choice for the position.
Team NFM
With almost 700 employees spanning over several European markets, NFM has highly qualified and committed staff in all areas of the business. In this Team NFM series, we want to share with you our people and the important work they do.
– My responsibility is to oversee the implementation of NFM’s sustainability strategies and to liaise with all branches of our organisation to ensure that we operate in an economically, socially, and environmentally responsible way, explains Monika.
Sustainability encompasses many different types of activities including environmental issues, economic factors and social justice concerns. Effective communication is vital to all levels of the organisation so that everyone is aware of how to implement the company’s sustainability plan.
– I’m honoured to be trusted with a job that is meaningful for our planet and its people, and be able to do work that contributes to a better world. I’m motivated by the improvements I can influence and implement through the company’s sustainability plan, she says.
In 2021, the production facilities in Poland did not send any production waste to a landfill. That is an enormous achievement for the organization.
Monika Mazik, NFM
NFM’s commitment to sustainability
Sustainable development is also referred to as ESG (Environment, Social, Governance), and/or alternatively three P’s (People, Planet, Profit).
– NFM’s goal is to exist in a sustainable manner. Limit its impact on the environment, provide decent working conditions and maintain a manageable profit for the organisation so that the cost of caring for the environment and people, can be covered. These three elements are intertwined and inseparable, says Monika.
She works strategically to structure current activities and create standard operating procedures which set a clear vision of NFM’s future sustainable development that include;
- Environment: Prepare procedures to measure energy efficiency and waste management as we will soon be obliged to measure our carbon footprint.
- Staff welfare: Utilize our “commitment to people” infrastructure in Poland and implement that to other factories within the group so we can collect data on working conditions.
- Governance: Structuring what we already have – our Code of Conduct, anti-bribery procedure, IT data security and risk management.
– Succeeding in sustainability is a joint effort across the whole organisation and would be impossible without the expert knowledge and input of supervisors from all areas of the business. Luckily, we have many such experts and internal engagement to reach our given sustainability goals, says Monika.
Staff welfare is the most important aspect of NFM sustainability
The extensive NFM Production facilities span over 11 000 square metres, encompassing 500+ employees with a range of different roles and responsibilities.
Ensuring that all employees at these facilities as well as the entire value chain are treated with dignity and respect, is the most important part of NFM sustainability.
– We require all employees to be treated equally, have safe working conditions and a free choice of employment. NFM Production does not engage in or support the use of child labour nor discrimination, and respects freedom of association and collective bargaining. We comply with the applicable laws on working hours, breaks, public holidays, and wages, explains Monika.
To ensure that NFM delivers on its commitment, a grievance process was established enabling management to react to any concerns the employees may have in relation to abuse (inappropriate disciplinary practices, discrimination etc).
– Transparency for NFM is vital, which is why we decided to successfully apply for and obtain, the SA8000 certification, which concerns social conditions and workers’ rights, says Monika.
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Successful initiatives to ensure that NFM is environmentally friendly
– We are continually looking for ways to protect the environment and reduce our carbon footprint. It is my responsibility to oversee NFM’s plans to continuously reduce the impact on the environment, she says.
Two of the most important initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint are;
- optimal waste management – searching for solutions to reduce the amount of waste generated or upcycling of waste that cannot be avoided
- solutions to increase energy efficiency – increasing the amount of energy used from renewable sources, instead of fossil fuels, or using devices with lower energy consumption
– In 2021, the production facilities in Poland did not send any production waste to the landfill – which is an enormous achievement for the organization. NFM also invests in energy from renewable sources, including solar photovoltaic panels, says Monika proudly.
– Protecting the environment is a high priority, not only for NFM but for the entire planet. I am pleased that NFM decided to go ahead with sustainable initiatives long before it became a requirement. Although we have achieved a great deal, there are always improvements that can be made which challenges and motivates me in my work, she says.
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