
NFM’s contribution to sustainability

In NFM, we believe that sustainable business practice means more than conventional understanding of environmental and community-friendly production processes. Our goal is designing products in accordance with customers’ expectations, as well as limiting influence on the environment and ensuring decent working conditions. Sustainable development consists of balancing local and global efforts to meet basic human needs without destroying or degrading the natural environment.
We are committed to transparency and accountability.
Utilizing cutting-edge technology and the knowledge of our diverse workforce, we strive towards sustainable solutions for our employees and our products. We do this by investing in the development of our employees and the environment we have an impact on.

Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) practices

ESG measures how the extent to which a business integrates environmental, social, and governance practices into its operations, the business model, as well as its impact and sustainability.

We intend to implement our strategy through the following activities:

  • Respect nature and cares for the natural environment, its employees, and its local communities.
  • Continuous improvement of all ESG areas.
  • Support the principles of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • To ensure that environmental, climate and social risks are identified and avoided.
  • Transparency in the execution of the ESG policy.
  • Promote its ESG principles throughout its value chain.


Our goal is to reduce impact of the NFM on the environment

  • Monitor an impact on the environment.
  • Prioritize renewable energy.
  • Measure improvements in energy efficiency.
  • Waste management.
  • Environmental education of employees.
  • Optimize travel arrangements in the context of environmental impact.
ESG - Environnement
ESG - Social


Our goal is to continuously improve the working conditions and well-being of our employees and those in the value chain, to be ethical and protect human rights.

  • Safe and hygienic workplace.
  • Good working conditions.
  • Grievance procedure accessible for employees.
  • CSR program in larger subsidiaries.
  • Certification or compliance with Social Accountability Standard.
  • Social Accountability Policy known to all employees.


NFM’s goal is to incorporate ESG goals into business operations.

  • Be in line with ethical standards, follow NFM’s Code of Conduct, be transparent.
  • Communicate ESG strategy and activities.
  • Incorporate data protection methods.
ESG - Gouvernance
ESG - Circularité


We are aiming to optimize product lifecycle processes from idea through design, production, logistic following the principles of longer lifespan, reuse, recycle.

  • Continuously applying the principles of Lean Production.
  • Modern Machinery Park.
  • Continuously working on the improvement of packaging systems.
  • A holistic approach to the capability lifecycle focused on Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Testability of equipment.

Our values


Innovation gives us competitive advantage. We promote collaboration and sharing of ideas across our business. We have a structured approach to recognizing innovations, thoroughly testing ideas and sharing learnings.


All our employees are highly competent within their specialist fields. We encourage personal and professional development and see it as a key part of improving our competence level as an organization.


We are always honest and open with our clients. We set realistic targets and goals, and respect their right to confidentiality. We work closely with them at all times, strengthening relationships in order to achieve optimal results.


We make great effort to ensure that those we work with, both internally and externally, comply with strict ethical guidelines related to finance, operating conditions and environmental issues.


We are aware of the impact our organization has on the environment and the local community. The CSR program focuses on increasing our activity that has a positive impact on the environment and promoting a healthy, active lifestyle. The activities of the CSR Program are also intended to increase the environmental awareness of our employees and the local community.

The program is currently based on three pillars categorizing its objectives:

  • Nature, with a range of activities that favor environmental awareness.
  • Active Lifestyle, concentrated on promoting healthy and active lifestyle through initiatives involving physical activities.
  • Local Community, focused on supporting local organizations and initiatives.
CSR - Nordic lifestyle

Social Accountability Policy

Stanowisko NFM Poland w obszarze praw człowieka jest bezkompromisowe.

NFM Poland zobowiązuje się do zapewnienia, że wszyscy pracownicy w organizacji i w całym łańcuchu wartości są traktowani z godnością i szacunkiem. Wymagamy, aby wszyscy pracownicy byli traktowani sprawiedliwie, mieli bezpieczne i higieniczne środowisko pracy oraz swobodnie wybrane zatrudnienie.

NFM Poland nie wspiera i nie angażuje się w wykorzystanie pracy dzieci ani w działania dyskryminacyjne oraz respektuje prawo do zrzeszania się i rokowań układu zbiorowego.

NFM Poland stosuje się do obowiązujących przepisów prawa dotyczących godzin pracy, przerw i dni ustawowo wolnych od pracy oraz respektuje prawo pracowników do wynagrodzenia zapewniającego utrzymanie.

Zobowiązujemy się do poszanowania międzynarodowo uznanych praw człowieka:

  • Powszechnej Deklaracji Praw Człowieka, Międzynarodowego Paktu Praw Gospodarczych, Społecznych i Kulturalnych oraz Międzynarodowego Paktu Praw Obywatelskich i Politycznych
  • zawartych w Konwencjach Międzynarodowej Organizacji Pracy w sprawie podstawowych zasad i praw w pracy


  • obowiązujących przepisów prawa lokalnego, krajowego oraz wszelkich innych praw, obowiązujących standardów branżowych, wymagań normy Społeczna Odpowiedzialność 8000 oraz innych wymagań zaakceptowanych przez NFM Poland.

Tam, gdzie przepisy i wymagania różnią się stosujemy wymagania korzystniejsze dla pracowników.

NFM Poland stale monitoruje pojawiające się oczekiwania i najlepsze praktyki w zakresie praw człowieka.

Każdy pracownik zna, rozumie i realizuje politykę odpowiedzialności społecznej.

NFM Poland’s stance on human rights is uncompromising.

NFM undertakes to ensure, that all employees in NFM Poland and its entire value chain are treated with dignity and respect. We require all employees to be treated equally, have safe working conditions and free choice of employment.

NFM Poland does not engage in or support the use of child labor nor discrimination, and respects freedom of association and collective bargaining.

NFM Poland complies with the applicable laws on working hours, breaks and public holidays, and respects the right of personnel to a living wage.

We undertake to respect the internationally recognized human rights, as in:

  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
  • Conventions of International Labor Organization regarding fundamental labor law and principles,

as well as,

  • local, national and all other applicable law, prevailing industry standards, requirements of the SA8000 – Social Accountability 8000 standard, and any other requirements to which NFM Poland subscribes.

If there is to be a difference in regulations, we apply the requirements that are favorable to the employees.

NFM constantly monitors emerging expectations and best practices regarding implementation of human rights.

Every employee knows, understands, and implements the social accountability policy.

Позиція NFM Poland у сфері прав людини є безкомпромісною.

NFM бере на себе зобов’язання , щоб до усіх працівників NFM Poland та інших людей, пов ‘язаних із компанією, ставилися з гідністю та повагою. Ми вимагаємо, щоб у наших працівників було справедливе ставлення, безпечні умови праці та вільний вибір роботи.

Ми зобов’язуємося поважати міжнародно визнані права людини:

  • Загальна декларація прав людини, Міжнародний пакт про економічні, соціальні та культурні права, Міжнародний пакт про громадянські та політичні права;
  • міститься в Конвенціях Міжнародної організації праці про основні обов’язки та права працівників;

а також:

  • відповідні місцеві, національні та всі інші правила, обов’язкові стандарти галузей, вимоги стандарту Social Responsibility 8000 та інші вимоги, затверджені NFM Poland.

У випадку, де правила та вимоги суперечать одне одному, ми застосовуємо варіант, який буде більш сприятливим для працівників.

NFM Poland відслідковує усі запити, що з’являються, та слідує найкращому досвіду у сфері прав людини.

Our commitment to sustainability


Development of employees

  • SA8000 certification in the largest production facility.
  • CSR program.
  • Global talent development program.
  • Global mid-management development program.
  • NFM Group onboarding program.
  • Code of Conduct regulating ethical standards open for employers and the value chain.
    • 1000+ employees
    • 31 nationalities
    • 60% women
    • 50% of women in management positions


Environmental impact

  • Solar panels built on the production facility in Poland will provide up to 45% of the energy consumption of NFM Poland.
  • 60% of the energy we procure in Bulgaria is derived from sustainable and environmentally friendly sources.
  • Our largest production facility only disposes of about 3% of its waste, the rest is recycled or recovered.


Profit through sustainable products

  • Spreading our sustainable values in the value chain. Ongoing communication about our standards within social requirements.
  • Constantly modernizing our machinery park, looking for the best combination of performance, economy, and environmental impact.
  • We carry on regular inspections and maintenance. We take care of our buildings and their physical condition.
  • Holistic lifecycle approach focusing on equipment’s reliability, availability, maintainability, and testability.
  • Commitment to sustainability has been officially granted by the German Institute for Sustainability & Economy in German entity.
  • Production of seamless articles aims to minimize material waste and promote sustainable practices at our German entity.